
Friday, September 26, 2014

Apple Harvesting

The first day of fall was celebrated harvesting apples at my parent's farm. How cliche! We gathered in my mom's kitchen over apple peelers and lemon juice talking about all the things we are going to make. Apple Butter, apple sauce, apple crisp, apple pie filling, ect. Only to find out that none of us really like most of that stuff and just prefer apple accordions. You know, what the apples look like after you peel them. There you have it!

We also decided that my parent's need to name their farm and have a sign. Being that their chickens now lay eggs and they straight up dedicate a week to harvesting all the apples from their small orchard. It's time to go ahead and make it official. All we could think of is semi inappropriate names in-between bites of apples. 

And it really occurs to me that I am in love with my family. Apples and all. 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend full of your loved ones and swear words.

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